Vivette Girault, Professeure émérite à Sorbonne Université, (Laboratoire Jacques-Louis Lions) a été distinguée comme « 2021 Sonia Kovalevsky Lecturer ». Elle donnera une conférence : “From linear poroelasticity to nonlinear implicit elastic andrelated models », lors du Congrès annuel SIAM qui se déroule du 19 au 23 juillet 2021 en format hybride.
AWM et SIAM ont créé la « Sonia Kovalevsky Lecture » pour mettre en valeur les contributions importantes de femmes dans le domaine de des mathématiques appliquées ou computationnelles.
Poroelasticity has many applications in energy and environmental engineering. When linear, it simulates the transient flow of a single-phase fluid in a deformable linear elastic porous medium.
However, when the medium is brittle and fractured, linear elasticity is not applicable, but new nonlinear implicit models lead to a good description of the phenomenon. I shall introduce the simplest model of poroelasticity, then describe some new models and explain their mathematical and numerical issues.
Collaborators : Tameem Almani, Andrea Bonito, Saumik Dana, Benjamin Ganis, María González Taboada, Diane Guignard, Frédéric Hecht, Kundan Kumar, Xueying Lu, Marc Mear, Kumbakonam Rajagopal, Gurpreet Singh, Endre Süli, Mary Wheeler.

Vivette Girault, Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France, is an outstanding numerical analyst with a long and distinguished career, who continues to have both deep and broad impact on computational science. Her work in finite element methods, computational fluid dynamics and mechanics is widely known and has been highly cited. The letters in support of this nomination suggest that what sets Professor Girault apart from others is her “uncompromising attitude towards making sure that she fully understands the underlying physics of the problems she works on”, and this assessment explains her broad influence within as well as outside numerical analysis. Professor Girault has also been a fantastic mentor and role model for many junior mathematicians, being “quick-witted, rigorous, and excellent, with a radiant and humble personality”.