Deux mathématiciennes françaises, Alice Guionnet et Laure Saint-Raymond, ont été sélectionnées pour donner des conférences plénières lors du prochain Congrès Mondial de Mathématiques qui se tiendra du 6 au 14 juillet 2022 à Saint-Pétersbourg. Deux autres mathématiciennes complètent ce panel (Catharina Stroppel et Svetlana Jitomirskaya), ce qui porte le nombre de femmes honorées à 4 sur 21.
Alice Guionnet
Alice Guionnet is a French mathematician, working in the field of probability theory and more especially statistical mechanics, random matrix theory and free probability.
She has held a position at CNRS since 1993, was a Miller fellow in Berkeley in 2005, and professor at MIT 2012-2015. She is currently Director of Research (CNRS) at ENS Lyon. She is a member of the French Academy of Sciences, Academia Europeae, and the European Academy of Sciences and a winner of the Loeve prize.
Laure Saint-Raymond
Laure Saint-Raymond is currently a Professor of Mathematics at Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, and will move to IHES in September 2021. Her work focuses on the asymptotic analysis of systems of partial differential equations, in particular those governing gas, plasma or fluid dynamics. In particular, she has made fundamental contributions to Hilbert’s sixth problem concerning the axiomatization of mechanics, one of the 23 problems proposed by David Hilbert at the International Mathematical Congress of 1900, which has not yet been solved. With François Golse, she has shown that there is a continuous transition between the models of non-equilibrium statistical physics and the equations of fluid mechanics. More recently, she has studied with Thierry Bodineau, Isabelle Gallagher and Sergio Simonella, the validity of these non-equilibrium statistical models based on Newtonian mechanics. In parallel, she is working on fluid mechanics models describing ocean currents, studying the influence of rotation and stratification on wave propagation (with Yves Colin de Verdière) and boundary layer phenomena (with Anne-Laure Dalibard). Her work has earned her numerous recognitions. In particular, she was awarded the EMS prize in 2008, the Fermat Prize in 2015 and the Bocher Memorial Prize of the AMS in 2020.
A ces deux conférencières plénières s’ajoutent deux conférencières invitées : Sylvie Méléard, professeure à l’Ecole Polytechnique et Galina Perelman, professeure à l’Université Paris-Est Créteil.